Fire Pit

From Project Wiki
Revision as of 12:51, 15 June 2021 by Paul (talk | contribs) (Started concept)
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What is my general idea for the feature? ("Tldr!")

  • The player can light the fire pit.
  • The player can reignite their headflame at a lit fire pit.

Intention / Requirements:

What am I trying to achieve with the idea and what are my constraints?

  • The fire pit acts as a savepoint but returning there only gives the player their falme back, when lost.
  • Reseting the level will also reset the fire pit.
  • The fire pit will light when the player passes it with a active headflame.
  • A lit fire pit will light the players headflame when they pass the fire pit.


The Refereces (if available).

Game Mechanic Descriptions
EXAMPLE GAME Example Mechanic from that game with link What Part do I reference from the mechanic in the referenced game


What is my specific design for the feature?


  • When the player is on a tile next to the fire pit they will interact.
  • Interaction 1: Player has active headflame and the fire pit is unlit -> lights fire pit
  • Interaction 2: Player does not have an active headflame and the fire pit is lit -> fire pit lights players headflame.
  • Interaction 3/4: If player and fire pit have the same state (lit or unlit) nothing happens.


  • Necessary References
  • The feature design
  • Feedback needed for the design to work


  • Dependency-Links to other features
  • Variables, needed to balance the feature design

Required Feedback

What feedback does the designed feature need to function?


  • Feedback 1 - Short description how it should look/sound/work


  • Feedback 2 - Short description how it should look/sound/work


  • Feedback 3 - Short description how it should look/sound/work


What Variables do I, as the Designer, need to balance this feature?

  • variableName - what the variable does


On what other features is this feature rely on?

Link to Dependencies