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Revision as of 10:52, 2 July 2021 by Paul (talk | contribs) (from ToDo to Prepared)
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What is my general idea for the feature? ("Tldr!")

  • Certain Sounds can be heard from everywhere (God Sound).
  • Some Objects will have directional Sound.
  • Some Objects will make Sounds only in a certain radius around themselfs (Area Sound).

Intention / Requirements:

What am I trying to achieve with the idea and what are my constraints?

  • Music and some other Sounds must be heard from everywhere.
  • The other objects will make Sound only in a radious around them. (decreases amount of sounds played at the same time)
  • The player will be able to locate a opening door because of directonal Sound.


The Refereces (if available).

Game Mechanic Descriptions
EXAMPLE GAME Example Mechanic from that game with link What Part do I reference from the mechanic in the referenced game


What is my specific design for the feature?

Area Sound:

  • Objects emitt Sound in an area around them.
  • While the Player is whithin the area -> the farther the Player is away from the Sound source the lower the Sound´s volume.

God Sound:

  • These Sounds can be heard in the whole Level and always with a constant Volume.

Directional Sound:

  • The player can locate a opening door´s position through the Sound (like steps in shooter games).

Sound Cues:

  • Cues like music cues will occure randomly (time based).
  • Some Area Sounds too need to occure randomly (time based). (example : Sentry whispering)

Required Feedback

What feedback does the designed feature need to function?


  • Its all sound!


What Variables do I, as the Designer, need to balance this feature?

  • Area Sound radius: increas/decreas radius
  • A way to increas or decreas "random" probability (to controll if a sound is played once every ten seconds / once every ten minutes on average for example)


On what other features is this feature rely on?

Player, Doors, Soundlist