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What is my general idea for the feature? ("Tldr!")

  • The character will walk on a grid and can move in four directions.
  • Time will only pass when the player is moving.
  • The player can reset the level through the press of a key

Intention / Requirements:

  • A grid makes it clear when the character will interact with something.
  • A grid Restricts the player, so they can focus on the level.
  • When player and objects are grid based, then interactions between them are clear.
  • The movement has to be rather quick, so the player does not try to move while still moving (or else the player will get frustrated).
  • Stopping time when not moving will makes it impossible to clear obstacles through button mashing.
  • When the player has made a mistake they can reset the level by pressing a designated key.


The Refereces (if available).

Game Mechanic Descriptions
EXAMPLE GAME Example Mechanic from that game with link What Part do I reference from the mechanic in the referenced game


What is my specific design for the feature?


  • The player can only move from the tile they are standing on to a tile bordering theirs.
  • The character has to stop on the tile the player moved them to, without under- or overshooting.
  • The character will face the direction they will move in.

Moving Interaction:

  • Walking against pushable objects will push them one tile without moving the character.

Time stop:

  • Time will only move while the player is moving .


  • By pressen the "Reset" - key on the keyboard the player will reset the level and move back to the starting stairs.

Required Feedback

What feedback does the designed feature need to function?



  • Walking animation
  • Turning animation
  • Pushing animation (when walking against any object)


  • Steps
  • Sound when walking against immovable Object


What Variables do I, as the Designer, need to balance this feature?

  • movementDelay - The wait time between allowed movement Inputs


On what other features is this feature rely on?
