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What is my general idea for the feature? ("Tldr!")

  • Statue like structure that spits water in a straight line (sight).
  • The only antagonistic part of the Levels.

Intention / Requirements:

What am I trying to achieve with the idea and what are my constraints?

  • Beeing hit by a Sentry will extinguish the players Headflame.
  • Sentry "sight" in 2 modes ( constant sight, rythmic sight )
  • Size is the same as Player (2H1D1W)
  • Source of water (mouth for example) needs to be at 1.5H
  • One type of Sentry will be alble to be de/activated through pressing a button.
  • 3 Versions (low budget = recolor) of Sentrys are minimum (1 per vision mode and one deactivateable)


The Refereces (if available).

Game Mechanic Descriptions
EXAMPLE GAME Example Mechanic from that game with link What Part do I reference from the mechanic in the referenced game


What is my specific design for the feature?

Line of sight mechanics:

  • The line of sight will end at the first object it hits.
  • The line of sight will shorten to the point where a Moveable is moved in its way.
  • When the Player gets hit by the sentrys beam the Headflame will go out.
  • Line of sight is at 1.5 height (1.5H ) so every 2H object will be hit but 1H objects will not.
  • Deactivation through buttons will be possible for a specific type of sentry.


  • As long as there is a specific point at 1.5H where the water will originate it can be anything that fits the setting (expl. mouth, vase).

Required Feedback

What feedback does the designed feature need to function?


  • The water beam (light properties tbd.)



  • low indication sound when statue is active (shooting water)


What Variables do I, as the Designer, need to balance this feature?

  • Sentry sight interval (settings for activation rythm)
  • De/activation through buttons.


Player, Movables, Doors, Buttons, Movement