
From Project Wiki
Revision as of 16:35, 6 May 2021 by Paul (talk | contribs) (Concept almost done (Sentry-Button interaction tbd.))
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What is my general idea for the feature? ("Tldr!")

  • Statue like structure that can see in a straight line.
  • The only antagonistic part of the Levels.

Intention / Requirements:

What am I trying to achieve with the idea and what are my constraints?

  • Beeing seen by a Sentry will deactivate all active buttons (closing doors in the process)
  • Sentry sight in 2 modes ( constant sight, rythmic sight )
  • Size is the same as Player (2H1D1W)
  • Vision (eyes or sth. similar) needs to be at 1.5H
  • 2 Versions of Sentrys are minimum (1 per vision mode)


The Refereces (if available).

Game Mechanic Descriptions
EXAMPLE GAME Example Mechanic from that game with link What Part do I reference from the mechanic in the referenced game


What is my specific design for the feature?

Line of sight mechanics:

  • The line of sight will end at the first object it hits.
  • The line of sight will shorten to the point where a Moveable is moved in its way.
  • When the Player crosses the line of sight all doors will close and buttons will deactivate.
  • Line of sight is at 1.5 height (1.5H ) so every 2H object will be hit but smaller objects will not.
  • (tbd) deactivation through buttons


  • As long as there is a specific point at 1.5H where the line of sight will originate it can be anything that fits the setting (expl. a jewl).

Required Feedback

What feedback does the designed feature need to function?


  • The origin of the line of sight should glow (light properties tbd.)



  • low indication sound when statue is active (seeing)


What Variables do I, as the Designer, need to balance this feature?

  • Sentry sight interval (settings for activation rythm)
  • (tbd) deactivation through buttons


Player, Movables, Doors, Buttons